Silent auction changes the system of bidding

It is a non-profit fundraising event and a charity auction where the organization or the organizer auctions the items of interest to the customer and the items are sold to the highest bidder. The biddings were conducted mostly using paper bid sheets, but with the advancement in technology now mobile bidding silent auction software are also available. The silent auction is considered as one of the best ways to raise the desired fund and since they come with a built-in incentive the chances of buying a sought-after item by the bidder are high. So, it is profitable to both the organizer and the bidder. Silent auctions are one of the best ways to attract bidder and to keep them engaged in the fundraising programme.
Bid sheets
Bid sheets have been used for bidding from quite some times. This is a traditional method and is still followed by people who prefer to have a traditional silent auction. Pieces of paper are kept beside the auction item. These sheets consist of 15-20 rows for bidding wherein the interested participant writes down his/her interested bidding amount on the first available entry row. It is quite complicated and requires much involved bidding process. The chances that the organisation might raise the desired amount of money are low.
Mobile bidding
With the advancements in technology, the use of software for silent bidding has come into handy. With the help of the Silent auction software, the participants can place bids for the items online through their smartphones. They can either choose to bid manually or select the maximum bidding amount so that the silent auction software can place the bids for them. Because of the ease in the process, mobile bidding helps raise more money. Since the payment is done through the pre-registered credit/debit card, there are fewer problems during the checkout process when compared to the traditional method.
Few points to be kept in mind before conducting a silent auction are:
· The items involved should interest the target audience.
· It should be under the price range of the participants.
· The items should hold some uniqueness to attract the buyers.
Now a days, online auction websites can be easily created where the organizers can prepare a catalogue of the items, give in the basic event details with photos and other vital information. One such portal is the which helps create a website from the scratch depending on the needs and wishes of the organizer. An online auction website is eco-friendly as no paper is being used, cost effective, efficient and the organizer also gets a chance to make chances and update the information at any point of time.
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